The Spiritual Messenger
When we first moved to our farmhouse, we saw cardinals around every turn. In fact, there's a section of our daily drive that we lovingly refer to as "Cardinal Alley" because they are literally everywhere you look. From day one, they have fascinated me...mostly because of the way they fly. They dive through the air so fearlessly and purposefully, as if they are begging for our attention.
Eventually (because of the sheer number of them) I got curious. Was it a fluke? Was it "cardinal season?" Is there even such a thing as cardinal season???
Or was it a sign? Was it possible they were trying to tell me something?
So I decided to learn more about them. And what I found was so unbelievably beautiful...
For centuries, cardinals have been known as protectors and spiritual messengers. It is believed that when a cardinal is spotted, it is actually a loved one visiting from Heaven. They show up when we need them most, when we need to feel their presence, or when we're needing spiritual guidance.
The word cardinal itself is derived from the Latin word "cardo", meaning hinge or axis. Like a hinge on a door, the cardinal acts as the hinge on the doorway between Heaven and Earth, carrying messages back and forth.
The meaning took my breath away. And it suddenly made complete sense...
You see, we live in an area that is rich in history. Our home is right in between two historic churches, dating back 150 years. It's one of the reasons we fell in love with this countryside. It is full of meaning, tradition, and wonderful stories. Not only that, but so much of the history has been preserved. They don't tear things down here like they do in Dallas. And because of that, you can practically feel the presence of the past...and all those who lived here.
I immediately knew that "our cardinals" were their messengers, checking on their homesteads and surveying their family land. Bringing peace to the generations that live here now. And the thought of it made made my heart so happy.
From day one of The Festive Farmhouse, I have felt a deep calling to make products that mean something. Items that bring comfort and peace and happiness when we need it most. And when the cardinals made themselves known, I knew I needed to create something. Which is why I am so thrilled to introduce our newest addition to The Festive Farmhouse. You can read more about it here.
I hope it inspires you, brings peace, and helps you to see every cardinal in a brand new light.