Inspired Conversations
I love connecting with you guys. Truly I do. I believe that connection drives everything we do in life, whether we realize it or not. It's a massive part of my mission for The Festive Farmhouse for that very reason. I recently had the privilege of being interviewed by Dr. Janet Lee for her podcast series focusing on "conversations about change." It was such an honor. And not only that, it was tons of fun. If you'd like to take a listen you can find it here.
Talking about life is my JAM, you guys. Mix in a little creativity, design, and vintage-talk and well...I was on cloud nine.
I am so grateful to each and every one of you for supporting this little dream of mine. I hope that sharing my story inspires you to go out on a limb in your own life. Because we all know that's where the fruit is.
Happy listening!
Dr. Janet Lee (Episode 24): Allison Aars, Founder of The Festive Farmhouse